If you are looking to save some cash while decreasing the demand for manufactured goods, take a peek at second-hand goods. Many of these items become much cheaper used, without taking a huge hit in quality. While there are some things that should be purchased new (mostly one-time purchases), high quantity items like books, DVDs, and furniture can typically be bought used.
Wise Bread offers two separate lists: one of things that you should never by new, and one of things you should never buy used. Here is a quick summary of both lists.
Things you should never buy new:
- DVDs and CDs
- Books
- Video Games
- Special Occasion and Holiday Clothing
- Jewelry
- Ikea Furniture
- Games and Toys
- Maternity and Baby Clothes
- Musical Instruments
- Pets
- Home Accents
- Craft Supplies
- Houses
- Office Furniture
- Cars
- Hand Tools
- Sports Equipment
- Consumer Electronics
- Gardening Supplies
- Timeshares
- Recreational items
- Cribs and Children’s Furniture
- Car Seats
- Bicycle Helmets
- Tires
- Laptops
- Software
- Plasma and HDTVs
- DVD Players
- Digital and Video Cameras
- Speakers and Microphones
- Camera Lenses
- Photo Light Bulbs
- Mattresses and Bedding
- Swimsuits and Undergarments
- Wet Suits
- Shoes
- Hats
- Makeup
- Pet Supplies
- Vacuum Cleaners
Need suggestions for where to start your treasure hunt? Try Amazon, Craigslist, eBay, Freecycle, Goodwill, or the Salvation Army.