by Gordon Liu | Jun 3, 2015 | Action Plans
by Anais IglesiasFor my Action Plan I want to implement full on recycling bins in my local elementary school. It is crucial that the young generations are taught sustainable practices from an early age so that they can value them and carry them with them throughout...
by Gordon Liu | Jun 3, 2015 | Action Plans
by Nikolas MichaelHoople! is going to be an Eco-festival celebrating both sustainability and local art and music, held in Queens, New York. It will be held in May of 2016, and be completely free and open to the public. It will be funded through crowdfunding and...
by Gordon Liu | Jun 3, 2015 | Action Plans
by Julie PallozziTight knit communities have the ability to reduce consumerism, reduce dependence on traditional markets in our economy, preserve resources for future generations, and easily adapt to new conditions and ideas. My action plan is to build community in my...
by Gordon Liu | Jun 3, 2015 | Action Plans
by Alicia HealeyI plan on starting a community garden in my neighborhood in a small empty grassy patch that is located on a local elementary school’s property (which is down the street from my house). Since I went to this elementary school and personally know...
by Gordon Liu | Jun 3, 2015 | Action Plans
by Nicole StrikFor my action plan I intend to spread the love of nature and the outdoors with the Boston College community. Boston College has a program called “Outdoor Adventures”, which is operated through the campus recreation complex. Outdoor...