by Iceland Study Abroad | Apr 21, 2015 | 2015 Spring Iceland, CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog
Jenifer Morgan-Davie & Emma McCully
by Iceland Study Abroad | Apr 21, 2015 | 2015 Spring Iceland, CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog, Study Abroad
photo credits: Adriana Walsh | Winslow, ME | Grinnell College & Charlotte Kuliak | Chicago, IL | University of Alabama
by Iceland Study Abroad | Mar 25, 2015 | 2015 Spring Iceland, CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog, Programs, Study Abroad
By almost any measure, our planet is in peril. With humanity wrenching trees from the earth, pumping CO2 into the sky, leaching toxins into the water and soil, and obliterating a thousand species a day, it seems impossible to choose just one critical issue of...