by Iceland Study Abroad | Mar 15, 2018 | CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog
Turf houses were the original style of houses for Icelanders up until the last century. The houses were constructed out of wood and turf from the land. The turf was stacked around the surrounding walls of the house and was used to insolate the houses during Iceland’s...
by Iceland Study Abroad | Mar 15, 2018 | CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog
Before coming to Iceland, I was excited to be able to join such an inclusive community that embraces the differences of all people while focusing on individual abilities and strengths. So far, I have had the opportunity to meet so many community members that openly...
by Iceland Study Abroad | Mar 15, 2018 | CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog
The first half of the semester has passed in a blink of an eye. We have been moving from one activity to the next, filling our days with learning and group bonding, spicing it up with the occasional adventure thrown into the mix. It seems that every moment is worthy...
by Iceland Study Abroad | Mar 15, 2018 | CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog
The relationships I’ve made with the people of Sólheimar have made this village feel more and more like home. A couple of weeks ago, myself and two other CELL students signed onto a project within the community that will bring some traditions back to Sólheimar-...
by Iceland Study Abroad | Mar 14, 2018 | CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog
Where I come from, most people eat terrible bread. In the 1960’s bread in the United States was industrialized like the rest of the food market; it was transformed to be made as quickly as possible, while still making it bigger, softer, cheaper, and longer lasting....