Essential Harmony

In the depths of a modern city surrounded by man-made architecture, whooshing, buzzing, and flashing cues train us to flow to the tune of this anthropocentric structure. We are accustomed to thinking, behaving, and weaving within our synthetic reality. In cities,...

How to calve our CO2 emissions

Time. Whatever your belief, this is a seriously confusing concept. It doesn’t start. It doesn’t stop. It just goes. It seems to go one way, but if we labeled it as monotonic then we could be committing an error on the magnitude of those who thought the world was...


Sauntering up to Vigdísarhús, I feel confident and nearly invincible. I have my posse, so to speak, a still slightly awkward jumble of friends from school and new acquaintances yet to form a cohesive and comprehensive unit, but far from uncomfortable introductions. We...

New Friends, Good Ideas

The first time I hung out in Graena Kannan Café, I hadn’t much expectations. I saw some familiar faces from our morning meetings drinking coffee, some other CELL students playing games. I’m usually nervous to meet new people, but everybody here is so friendly that...