Plant A Tree

Back to the tips.Common sense, right? Plant a tree, save the planet. Well, here is what trees do: “The net cooling effect of a young, healthy tree is equivalent to ten room-size air conditioners operating 20 hours a day.” —U.S. Department of Agriculture “If you plant...

Skip The Stirrer

Back to the tips. Every morning, millions of Americans swing by a coffee shop to pick up their java fix. Lurking on the counters of these caffeine dispensaries is the coffee stirrer. These seemingly innocuous disposables can add up quickly. Really need to stir in your...

Don’t Pre-Heat

Back to the tips. “Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees” See that familiar step? Skip it. Seriously, skip it. Why spend the energy to heat a small volume of air, only to release that air when you open the oven door to put in your delicious baked good...

Take Two Wheels

Back to the tips. Five reasons to ride your bike: Riding at moderate speed burns over 500 calories per hour. The average person loses 13 pounds in their first year of commuting via bicycle. Most car trips in the US are shorter than 3 miles. That may be less than 15...

Diaper With A Conscience

Back to the tips. Caution: you may not want to read this tip if you are eating. By the time a child is potty trained, a parent will have changed up to 8,000 dirty diapers. That is over 3 million tons of waste that is added to landfills each year! Two more sustainable...

Rethink the Bottle

Back to the tips. Throw out that bottled water. Wait, recycle! Better yet, skip the bottle altogether! Each year, 1.5 million tons of plastic waste is produced from bottled water.  Need some more reasons to kick the habit? Keep on scrolling down!    ...