by Iceland Study Abroad | Feb 22, 2015 | 2015 Spring Iceland, Staff Column
We have visited a number of places so far in Iceland, one of these being a biodynamic farm. The farm houses sheep, chickens, and cows, and produces cheese, milk, and various organics from the crops they harvest in the summer. The principles of the biodynamic farm...
by CELL Staff | Aug 1, 2014 | Staff Column
When I first started my internship with CELL this summer, I wrote an “About Me” in which I explored the possibility that my interest in sustainability stems from ulterior motives: “maybe it’s because she secretly believes that one day one of those...
by CELL Staff | Jul 29, 2014 | Staff Column
As a writer, I know that if you try to write about something and you just can’t get it right, and find yourself writing and re-writing, drafting and re-drafting, and filling up your waste bin with the balled-up scraps of words and sentences and paragraphs that just...
by CELL Staff | Jul 17, 2014 | Staff Column
Up until I was five, I lived in a swampy, marshy area where the air was thick with bugs in the summertime. I distinctly remember the nights I wasn’t allowed to go outside to play because the mosquito truck was going by, spraying poison into the air to quell a rampant...
by CELL Staff | Jul 11, 2014 | Staff Column
When writing a post about the World Cup, I feel like it’s necessary to begin by stating exactly how much of a fan you are. So let the record stand that I am really not that much of a soccer/football fan. But every other person I know is, so I think it’s safe to say...
by CELL Staff | Jul 2, 2014 | Staff Column
You may be decked out in red, white, and blue on Independence Day, but don’t forget the green. There’s a plethora of ways you can keep your 4th of July eco-friendly, no matter what your plans are. Inhabitat has some good suggestions for those planning...