I thought I was a thoughtful consumer before the plane touched wheels in Iceland. I bought organic (sometimes), I was a vegetarian (well, pescatarian), and while living in Hoboken, NJ I was as avid biker, while I’d walk and use public transport on occasion (though I basically only drove my SUV once I moved back to the suburbs). I rarely bought anything I didn’t need. I was living a good, sustainable life. Or so I thought.
Reflecting upon certain living habits that I just fell into without questioning if I really needed to be living this way, or if it was even good for me (let alone, the environment), and I can see how much I’ve improved. The changes were quite easy, too, living with 11 other students who are caring, non-judgmental, and making changes in their own lives as well. This trip has served as a great outside perspective on the life I was living before, and shines a light into my future lifestyle.
So what’s changed? I eat way less processed and canned foods. I’ve drastically reduced consumption of fertilizers, GMO’s, and BPA. Much of the food I eat is local. I no longer eat fish. I drink much less coffee. I’ve started composting. I no longer shower every day, and use less body care products. When I return home, along with maintaining these habits I’ve developed here, I plan to sell the car I would have used at the college I’m transferring to and simply live without one, even though the new area I’ll reside in is much less dense than before. I’ll get rid of my Nespresso machine and buy more natural cleaning products. I won’t use paper towels. I’ll use Amazon as a backup when I can’t find something locally.
It may sound like I’m giving up a lot, but I don’t see it that way. In fact, it feels good to live this way (and for the most part, it’s much cheaper). I came to Iceland with CELL to learn how to live closer to my values, and upon doing so I feel more satisfied and balanced. I wanted to learn how to give more and take less, which is a lifelong goal that I made great progress at during this trip. Furthermore, I’ve found new reasons supporting previous values, and new goals to aim for in the future. This program has drastically altered my vision of the future, and has prepared me for it with knowledge and hope.