Sauntering up to Vigdísarhús, I feel confident and nearly invincible. I have my posse, so to speak, a still slightly awkward jumble of friends from school and new acquaintances yet to form a cohesive and comprehensive unit, but far from uncomfortable introductions. We...

New Friends, Good Ideas

The first time I hung out in Graena Kannan Café, I hadn’t much expectations. I saw some familiar faces from our morning meetings drinking coffee, some other CELL students playing games. I’m usually nervous to meet new people, but everybody here is so friendly that...

Sustainable Gardening Discussion with Rodney Eason

By: Grace Brosofsky Can you make your garden achieve greatness without diverging from principles of sustainability? The Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens provide an example of truly green gardening at its finest, achieving enough popular appeal to draw tourists while...

Captivity + ? = Sustainability

Written By: Grace Brosofsky Zoos, aquariums, and similar facilities often seem two-faced, presenting a confusing story to those who enjoy watching animals. They take a stance as pioneers of preserving species and inspiring wildlife lovers, while they have difficulty...

Sustainable Herbicide Action Plan

by Grace BrosofskyThis action plan seeks to address the issue of environmentally detrimental chemical herbicide usage by building upon previous natural herbicide research to determine the most cost-effective natural herbicide solution. This plan will be implemented at...

What Sustainability Means To Me

Written By: Grace Brosofsky   By all appearances, sustainability qualifies as an ordinary, slightly cumbersome noun that has begun to grow exceedingly worn from use. However, sustainability thrives upon action founded in a belief that this very thing — action...