by Iceland Study Abroad | Feb 22, 2015 | 2015 Spring Iceland
Friday, February 13th 5:30am. My alarm goes off and it’s time to start another day at Sólheimar. After breakfast, morning meeting, and class, we went to the village’s developing forest. Our instructions were simple: find a secluded spot and take in your surroundings....
by Iceland Study Abroad | Feb 22, 2015 | CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog
Last week, we were given the assignment of finding an hour to sit outdoors and have time to reflect and ponder on the experiences we’ve had here so far and what we’ve learned. As I walked out the door of our house at around 7:30 pm the evening before our...
by Iceland Study Abroad | Feb 22, 2015 | 2015 Spring Iceland, CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog, Study Abroad
It is difficult to believe that I have already been in Iceland for two and a half weeks. Time passes strangely here, moving both fast and slow. Already, our little group has had so many amazing experiences. The one that stands out most clearly in my mind is the trip...
by Iceland Study Abroad | Feb 22, 2015 | 2015 Spring Iceland, CELL Iceland Study Abroad Student Blog, Study Abroad
As an environment and sustainability studies major with a focus on agro-ecology, there’s never been a doubt in my mind that environmental sustainability goes hand in hand with the “green-ing” of our food production. Agricultural malpractice contributes to the...
by Central America Study Abroad | Feb 17, 2015 | CELL Central America Study Abroad Student Blog, Study Abroad
The United States of America, as well as most of Western culture, has constructed entire industries based on the concept of convenience. These industries make billions of dollars per year supplying us with things we don’t need. There is nothing wrong in profiting from...
by Central America Study Abroad | Jan 30, 2015 | CELL Central America Study Abroad Student Blog, Study Abroad
We arrived here in Nicaragua two weeks ago, although to me it feels much longer. We’ve gone on hikes, learned to identify plants, swam and kayaked on one of Nicaragua’s lakes, and even made friendship bracelets out of an old hammock tassel. We’ve...
by Central America Study Abroad | Jan 22, 2015 | CELL Central America Study Abroad Student Blog, Study Abroad
Hello friends and family. We have arrived and are all safe, happy, and excited to begin the semester. The students are up at El Piscacho ensconced in Spanish lessons, and I have taken the morning to come down to La Concha and sit in a cyber. Perhaps a little...
by CELL Staff | Aug 1, 2014 | Staff Column
When I first started my internship with CELL this summer, I wrote an “About Me” in which I explored the possibility that my interest in sustainability stems from ulterior motives: “maybe it’s because she secretly believes that one day one of those...
by CELL Staff | Jul 29, 2014 | Staff Column
As a writer, I know that if you try to write about something and you just can’t get it right, and find yourself writing and re-writing, drafting and re-drafting, and filling up your waste bin with the balled-up scraps of words and sentences and paragraphs that just...
by CELL Staff | Jul 17, 2014 | Staff Column
Up until I was five, I lived in a swampy, marshy area where the air was thick with bugs in the summertime. I distinctly remember the nights I wasn’t allowed to go outside to play because the mosquito truck was going by, spraying poison into the air to quell a rampant...