Sustainable Business Model

Action Plan Logo by Nicole Marino I believe that businesses should do everything in their economic power and availability to work with sustainable systems to provide quality, environmentally safe, and low/carbon neutral goods and services. Currently, I run a small...

the pilgrimage

the pilgrimage nicole marino I finally saw the glaciers after hearing about the melting for years. I was surprised that in the time it took me to arrive they weren’t already gone basalt black crusted with newly scraped mountainsides blanket covering: protection from...

Blog #15: Beauty and Presence

Only in the light of beauty can we come to see what is really present. – John O’Donohue Most of us have had breathtaking experiences in nature. Perhaps watching a brilliant sunrise or sunset, or gazing at a seemingly endless ocean where sea and sky blend into one...

Best Friends

My experience with the community here at Sólheimar can be described as both productive and impactful. In the time that I have spent here, I have already formed relationships with a number of individuals. I have learned more than I could have imagined from these...


Last week we went on an overnight trip to the Íslenski Bærinn Turf Houses. This has been one of the best experiences of the semester. Hannes, who runs the place, probably knows more about turf houses than anyone else in the world, and I was delighted to be in his...