Being sustainable is a difficult task to accomplish. Reducing your carbon footprint through tasks like recycling, changing your diet, composting, etc. are just a part of becoming a more sustainable person. Most of these tasks deal with physical sustainability of the planet. I believe that we cannot be sustainable for the Earth without having a sense of self-sustainability or a healthy mind.

To work on getting a sustainable sense of self, it is important to spent time with yourself. I like to go outside every day for at least twenty minutes to an hour. I like to sit underneath trees and watch birds, listen to the wind, and feel the pokes of the spruce needles. Spending time by myself in nature allows me to take my mind off of my responsibilities. Going outside is my form of meditation. An article on the Huffington Post titled “Here’s Proof Going Outside Makes You Healthier” gives scientific evidence for why going outside is good for you. Another way to give yourself time is to take up hobbies. I like to knit and play piano. When I want a break from classes or I need to be in a quiet space, I sit in another room and knit or play a couple of songs on the piano. If you can take away stresses and relax by doing what you like to do, why not do it?

Spending time with yourself is valuable, but spending some of your time for others is just as beneficial. Maybe take an hour or so to help make dinner or offer to go on a walk with someone. Helping others makes you feel better and it benefits those you interact with. Spending time with others gives you an opportunity to be kind. It helps you to listen and improve the mental health of both yourself and those you choose to be with.

Once you learn to take care of your own mental health, you learn how to respect yourself. Respecting yourself leads to respecting others and ultimately, respecting the planet. Sustainability is more than just using a reusable water bottle or driving a hybrid car. Sustainability is acknowledging that caring for yourself and others is the only way that we can make our world thrive in balance for future generations.

Denise, 21.03.16