Our CELL News section provides information, updates, and feedback for past, current, and future CELL students. A CELL experience is more than an exciting “study abroad” program. The purpose of any CELL experience is to ignite a life-long commitment to living sustainably and to giving and receiving support for this commitment through community. Students are introduced to concepts of sustainability during their semester abroad program, but more importantly, once they return home, they learn how to employ these concepts in their own lives through living sustainably and through implementing sustainability action plans in various communities.

Recent Blog Posts
Community Driven by Passion
Giving back to one’s community has always been something of value to me. Creating a strong community requires everyone's participation and passion. This was something I saw clearly when we visited Lake Mývatn in the Northern part of Iceland. During our trip, we...
Lava Tube Exploring
During our trip to northern and western Iceland, we took a day trip to hike along the Búðahraun lava field, an eight-thousand-year-old expanse of basalt covered in endemic mosses, lichens, native willow, and other delicate and protected species. We followed an old...
The Power of a Circle
I have travelled for most of my life and have always found that within the feeling of freedom that leaving the home to gives me, comes a certain amount of restriction in being independent and having to rely completely on myself. Coming to Solheimar in Iceland I found...
Community Through Silliness
These past two weeks at Sólheimar have been wonderful. The community here is one of a kind, and I am happy to be part of it. Lunch in the dining hall is when we have the opportunity to see most of the people of Solheimar. In the short amount of time I have been here,...
“Kaffi tími”- Coffee Time
Spending time with one another and taking the time to create conversation is a big part of the community at the Solheimar Eco-village in Iceland. The village itself supports workers from all over the world, volunteers, visitors, and a residential community with...