Become a Sponsor/Donor!
Our world is at a critical point in creating the collective will to address climate change. Climate change is not about political or even national affiliation. It is affecting everyone whether currently recognized or not.
Your sponsorship or donation is what will enable this leadership program to take place, raising awareness and impelling action for change. Contributions will help provide for the various logistics of our leadership program, including travel costs for students to attend, food and supplies, speaker travel costs or fees, the boat travel costs, etc.
Please consider making a generous donation to our collective future. Thank you for making a difference to an issue that concerns us all by supporting the CELL Climate Action Now Leadership Program.
Principal Level ($10,000 to $25,000)
Sponsorship includes benefits of Major level, plus…
- A 30 second video clip on why you support the CAN tour and/or sustainable initiatives to be shared at each event
- Prominent logo listing at events, on event advertising, in publications, and on website
- Invitation to join us for a sail aboard Brio at one of our ports of call
Major Level ($5,000 to $10,000)
Sponsorship includes benefits of Supporting level, plus…
- Company logo on CAN Leadership Program website and relevant promotional materials
- Special recognition on CAN Leadership Program marketing efforts (may include: TV, radio, print and social media advertising)
- Company logo on Climate Action Now reusable gift (such as water bottle, tote bag, mug, etc.)
- Special invitation to and recognition at all events
Supporting Level ($1,000 to $5,000)
Sponsorship includes benefits of Friend level, plus…
- Company name on CAN Leadership Program website and relevant promotional materials
- Recognition in CELL’s Annual Report
- Recognition in local media advertising
Friend Level ($10 to $1,000)
Sponsorship includes…
- Personalized thank you from CELL directors
- Name on Wall of Gratitude page of CAN Leadership Program website
- Name on Wall of Gratitude at all events
Donate Today!
Your donations make this possible! If you are interested in making a tax-deductible contribution to CELL and the Climate Action Now Leadership Program, drop us a line via email or drop a check in the mail to:
Center for Ecological Living and Learning (CELL)
60 BLueberry Hill Road
Hope, ME 04847